Gardening tips to prepare for spring

We’ve all itching for the warmer weather to come, which is enough to begin thinking of plans for getting our gardens into shape for the spring and summer.

It’s easy to forget about your outdoor space during the cold and dark winter months, but with the signs of spring already visible, now is the time to tackle your trellis, hone your hedges, and plan your 2022 garden.

An objective look around your garden can show you areas that require work. Fix that dropped gate, give your pond a clear out, re-varnish your garden furniture or give your outdoor windowsills a lick of paint.

This time of year is perfect to plant flowers that will bloom during the summer months. Plan on where you'll prepare the soil first to ensure that drainage is sufficient, which will help to prevent bulbs rotting. If you’ve stored bulbs over the winter, you can plant these at the end of their dormant period.

Installing water butts and beginning to collect rainwater now will mean you're one step ahead when any drought comes along later in the year and you'll be doing your bit for the enviroment. Now's a good time to move any deciduous shrubs, clearing the way for new plants and giving your old favourites a new spot.

Ordering summer bulbs
It's a great time ​​​​​​​to be​​​​​​​gin planning your summer colour, so ordering your summer bulbs now will give you a wonderful job in February and will allow you time to carefully plan for the show stopping displays you have ​​​​​​​up your sleeve for later in the year.

Gardens can feel ne​​​​​​​glected in February - it's too cold to begin anything in earnest or to spend too long out there! Take your time though to spend short bursts in the garden tidying up flower​​​​​​​ beds and borders and you'll be able to see clearly and can plan for the next few months.​​​​​​​

Greenhouses can look at their worst in the winter months, so a good clean is on order in February. Soon you'll be able to ​​​​​​​see your garden through the gleaming windows and you'll have the space you need for bulbs that need a little extra nurturing and shelter over the coming months.

They get everywhere! Hunting them down now will mean you're in pole position for growing prize specimens...without any nasty surprises!
For those who are thinking of growing your own vegetables this time of year is an ideal time to plant onion sets, shallots and early potatoes.

Taking time now to tend to your garden will mean you can sit back and relax once the warmer weather begins.