The teenage perspective on moving home

We asked Francesca Harris, 17, to write an article on the perspective of teenagers on moving home…

The excitement of looking for a new family home is always slightly dampened due to the contrast of preferences within a family. To make this transition as smooth as possible a family needs to work as a team, considering everyone’s ideas to create a concept of the perfect family home. 

Although some parents may not agree, it is essential to make the move as valuable for the children as for themselves, as growing up and moving to a new house can be intimidating, but equally exciting. 

Children’s needs differ from those of their parents. I spoke with a group pf my peers from different backgrounds – a small study – which showed that 95% valued having their own personal space, whether that be their bedroom, a games room or alternatively an outdoor space such as a large garden. The majority of children from this survey also expressed an interest in entertaining spaces, such as spare bedrooms and multiple sitting/dining rooms to allow friends and family to visit. 

I believe that thought should be given to teenagers’ needs when moving home, but these considerations differ depending on whether a new home is located in an urban or rural location. This is backed by a recent interview in the Guardian: Anna Bawden questioned two teenagers, one from Birmingham and another from Somerset, and the answers shed light on teenagers’ needs based on geography. The teenager from Somerset voiced annoyance at the lack of industrialisation and nightlife. However, the crime rate in Birmingham seemed to unsettle the other interviewee, making them worried about their safety.

As a family, we can all agree that essentials such as shops, restaurants and education are important factors when considering where to move. If your child will need to change schools because of your house move this may cause some animosity, so making sure there’s a good school close by – that they are willing to go to – should be very important when deciding on your new location!

To ensure satisfaction within the whole family during the move, everyone should have a part of the property that is theirs, and a place they would love to call home. 
Francesca Harris